Christy has had the week off work so we've done lots of lovely things together. Most days that has included at least coffee and cake and sometimes lunch out.

It wasn't surprising that Pelagia's first two-word combination was ' more cake'
We had a lovely day at Spring Bank Farm with Christy's friend Alli and her son Lewis who is 3 days younger than PPA so a few photos with the animals follow. Note the addition of Oscar the doll - we bought him for PPA on the day the Oscar awards were announced so it seemed a fitting name. He is now a constant companion. Christy hopes PPA will learn not to throw him about nor poke his eyes out before the new baby arrives in August.
Pelagia is a no-TV child so the occasional look at a YouTube video of a nursery rhyme on Andy's iPad is a real novelty.
We've had a few dips in the hot tub on the deck. The challenge is to jump out quickly at the end and get indoors before you freeze to death.
Most days I have a walk along the cliff tops - it's a good workout and often quite bracing. There have been a few beautiful sunny days and this was one of them.
The one thing that has occupied a lot of our time with week but I can't show you is packing boxes in preparation for the move at the end of the month. Christy and I are now up to box 59!!! Probably another 10 or so to do before we need to pause. The rest will have to wait till nearer moving day.
The only other thing of note is that I have been treating my face with Efudix since I arrived. It is a cream for dealing with pre-cancerous sunspots. My skin specialist recommended it back on August/ Sept but you need to stay out of the sun when you are doing it - for about 6 weeks. Winter in the UK seemed like the perfect time but I look really odd. I have taken a photo of my face to remind myself how awful it is should I ever be tempted to go out in the sun again without covering up. I'm not brave enough to post the photo. It is unbelievably gross. I am just hoping it settles a bit before next Tuesday otherwise they mightn't let me on the flight. I look as if I've got some nasty contagious disease.