We love travelling but after three months away from home it's lovely to come home. WE got home friday after very easy flights and checkins - in spite of all the problems at Heathrow we got through without any problems although Phil's lip balm was confiscated by security - what they thought an 80 year old man could do to endanger a 747 in flight I really can't imagine but I'm sure they had our best interests at heart. Canberra is in the grip of an early spring - having said that it was -5 deg overnight but the last couple of days have had cloudless blus skies at around 16 deg and the blossoms look stunning - heaps of wattle blooming everywhere.
On the way home we had 2 nights is Hong Kong and really enjoyed it. Back in May we had a ghastly 2 days there - it scarcely stopped raining the whole time and the pollution and mist were so thick that we never saw The Peak once.May 2006

Last week couldn't have been more different - the monsoon ended about a week ago and the skies were clear and bright. We went up to the Peak one day and took the circular walk around the top - just delightful.
August 2006
But now we are home and catching up with family and friends as well as tidying the garden ready to plant spring crops. Should be lots of fun.