Thursday, September 20, 2007

August in the Tropics

August is not our favourite month in Canberra - not that we experience it often. For the first time in 10 years we found ourselves spending winter in the southern hemishpere. It's not too bad - the nights are cold but the days are mostly crisp and bright. But the chance to have another 2 weeks in the tropics was a bonus. We started off with a few days on the Atherton Tableland - very lush and beautiful.

Zli Zli Falls

Aerial roots on the curtin fig tree

From Kuranda looking out over Cairns

Then it was off to Palm Cove to the fabulous Peppers Resort for 2 weeks!!!! If you ever get the chance to stay there, grab it with both hands - it is beautiful, relaxing and relatively unspoilt.
( If this picture doesn't open for you, just click on it and hope it comes up.)

The view from our apartment

The Serenity pool provides a quieter spot to swim lengths, have a snooze or uninterrupted read.

The beach isn't great but good for a stroll at any time of the day.

There are always fishermen/persons on the jetty and we did see some fish caught including a massive groper.

With Christy and Andy we cooked breakfast by the beach -

Found good coffee -

Had a day at Port Douglas -

And spent a day snorkling on the Outer Reef. Just fabulous.

Lots of beautiful and unusual flowers throughout the gardens at Peppers

A final look back at the beach at Palm Cove.

A little reminder that it isn't all plain sailing in paradise - fortunately we weren't there in stinger season but you still need to keep the vinegar handy just in case.