Zli Zli Falls
Aerial roots on the curtin fig tree

From Kuranda looking out over Cairns

Then it was off to Palm Cove to the fabulous Peppers Resort for 2 weeks!!!! If you ever get the chance to stay there, grab it with both hands - it is beautiful, relaxing and relatively unspoilt. http://www.palmcoveaustralia.com/
( If this picture doesn't open for you, just click on it and hope it comes up.)

The view from our apartment
The Serenity pool provides a quieter spot to swim lengths, have a snooze or uninterrupted read.
The beach isn't great but good for a stroll at any time of the day.
There are always fishermen/persons on the jetty and we did see some fish caught including a massive groper.
With Christy and Andy we cooked breakfast by the beach -
Found good coffee -
Had a day at Port Douglas -
And spent a day snorkling on the Outer Reef. Just fabulous. http://www.quicksilver-cruises.com/wavepiercer.htm