We haven’t done a whole lot. We took a bus to Aberdeen – a former fishing village on the other side of the island. Caught the Star ferry across the harbour and back. Spent a couple of hours in the Art Gallery – fabulous exhibitions of extremely intricately ancient gold filigree and wonderful ceramics – Jane Barr would love it. And wlked quite a bit – sometimes more than we planned – got a bit lost a couple of times.
We had our friends Alan and Andrea Walker over for drinks last night – it was lovely catching up again. Then we strolled through the Ladies Market at FaYuen St. I used to be able to spot heaps of bargains there on previous visits but it all looked too tacky – I think I’m over buying cheap designer fakes – not too sure about the ethics of it either.
We are off in the morning to London – we warned Christy and Andy of our near-miss with Mr **** and offered to stay away from them for a few days till make sure we weren’t contagious. Andy says we are welcome as long as we don’t kiss him too much – I’ll have to restrain Phil – you know what he’s like.
PS Kimberley and Ginny = I tried to take a photo of a cat for you but I think they've all been eaten. Sorry!
Star Ferry across to the island

Contrasting the old and the new at Central

The junks at Aberdeen still act as ferries across to the island which is now covered with high rise.

The exterior of the Museum of Art had been tranformed by these posters - it used to look like this. I think it's a big improvement but Phil isn't so sure.

A fruit stall in Fa Yuen Street