The main reason for visiting Los Angeles was to visit Phil's grandson Alex who has been studying guitar there for the past year. He is an amazingly skilful and musical guitarist. This is a very poor picture ( late evening) of the house he shares with 2 other lads - just 2 blocks off Hollywood Blvd - great location and really interesting place - it would be fabulous if it was restored but then students would never be able to afford it!!

The cafe where we went to listen to Alex's gig.

Dontown LA has been transformed since I was last there almost 40 years ago - then it was very seedy and felt quite threatening. So many modern buildings now but a few old remants as well but generally well kept and it feels safe.

The Disney Performing Arts Centre

Still some quirky parts left in downtown LA.

We spent a day at the Getty Centre - the art collection is first rate and extensive but the location and buildings are equally worth a visit.

Yes of course!!!!!