The other ports will miss out I'm afriad because we are now in Barcelona and it is wonderful. I must admit to being a little anxious about this week - I read a few travel sites about the city before we left home and it sounded as if it were high on th list of muggings. We have felt very safe here - much more so than Rome or Naples or even London. And it is a great place to spend a week or so. It's very stylish and has heaps to do - galleries, churches, the beach, amazing buildings and a very vibrant street life that we have really enjoyed. These photos should give you a feel for it.

I've never spent $12 before to see over a building site but it was money well spent - Gaudi's magnificent church Sagrada Familia has been under construction for over 80 years and still has at least another 12 before it's finished. Even in its present state it is a magnificent building, rich in symbolism and on an immense scale. I might come back to this when I have more time.

The roof of one of Gaudi's other buildings - interesting chimney details -

A lovely open space where we had lunch today.

Phil asked this student to translate some text for him at a science fair in the park.

At the Miro gallery

These bike racks are all over the city - you have to register then (I think) you can take a bike for up to 90 minutes for free and after that you have to pay a small amount. You have a swipe card that releases one of the bikes and you can return it to any rack across the city - great idea.